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FamilyHeart is a Northern Colorado WEB site dedicated to the well-being of all families. Here you will find regional families discussing, teaching, learning and benefitting from the collective knowledge focused at this site. FamilyHeart is also connected to key community and life-made-easier links to help you simplify your demanding schedule, learn, and enjoy yourself. Drive this site with your spouse at your side, child on your lap or by yourself when you have a few minutes to spare. Your input, being a short story, parenting advice, or a suggestion to the WEBMASTER is a crucial part of FamilyHeart. Though we may have professional opinions and articles concerning families and parenting from time to time, the real therapy is the involvement of this great community!... Including your family! Most of the features on FamilyHeart are fairly intuitive, however before you plunge into the content of this site, I'll provide some more detail on the not-so-intuitive... FamilyHeart's purpose is three fold:
The interaction between families is a primary focus for FamilyHeart. FamilyHeart set up various forum topics with Delphi. This provides a high quality discussion platform for parents and kids to exchange ideas and advice. If you haven't signed up for the forums yet, you can access them from the main FamilyHeart page. We are dedicated to providing the information and services that you need. Without your support, this WEB site would be rather pointless. So please E-mail your comments and suggestions to FamilyHeart, we take your views to heart. Help us build the best family and community site out there! Finally, FamilyHeart graciously accepts your short stories, commentaries, advice and literature relevant to FamilyHeart. We
would love nothing more than to fill the pages of FamilyHeart with articles written by our own viewers. At this time we cannot
offer anyting in return for you articles, except for our greatest appreciation. Now's your time to be published, just submit
your story through our E-mail buttons at the bottom of each FamilyHeart page. |