Make up a family name, e.g. The Adams Family. Do not use your real family name. What are some of your families activities and interest?(Sports, fishing, music, model airplanes? etc..) Give pleanty of detail. Marriage status Married Single How many childeren are in your family? 1 2 3 4 or more I do not have childeren Do you have twins/triplets? yes no I do not have childeren What is the gender of your childeren? All Boys All Girls Boys and Girls I do not have childeren What is the age category of your OLDEST child? Infant Toddler Adolescent Teenager Adult I do not have childeren What is the age category of your YOUNGEST child? Infant Toddler Adolescent Teenager Adult I do not have childeren Please list any special events you family has been involved in Examples woulb be: Just moved into town, child started school for the first time (or graduated), joined a church, bought our first home, etc.
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