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Fort Collins, Greeley, Loveland families!

FamilyHeart Family Profiles

We're excited about our FamilyHeart Family Profiles! This is your opportunity to help community families by sharing your experiences and advice with others.

FamilyHeart will offer the opportunity for each family to become registered on the FamilyHeart Family Profiles. Information about your family size, activities and interests will be profiled. Other families who share things in common with yours can ask you questions. Here's how it works:

Suppose that the Swiss Family Robinson has a child in the first grade and the Flintstone Family's child will attend school for the first time next week. The Flintstones don't know what to expect and might need some advice on preparing their child for his first day at school. Who would know better than another Northern Colorado family that just recently shared this experience? The Flintstone's see that the Swiss Family Robinson just went through a similiar situation, and are given the opportunity to ask them how they handled it.

This is an opportunity for you to benefit from the experiences of others, you're not alone and rest assured that another family has finished up what you are just starting.

One important thing to note is that FamilyHeart will ensure your privacy. Real family names, phone numbers, or other personal information will not be allowed in a families profile. Anyone can be added or removed from the Profile at their own discretion. This provides a FUN and benecifial environment for our community...

Are you ready to SIGN UP?"

FamilyHeart Profiled Families
Northern Colorado: Families Helping Families!

The Broncs
Fort Collins, CO
Marriage: Married
Child(ren) age: Infant
Twins: no
Activities: We enjoy taking walks and bike rides. Fishing and camping are a big hit, however our activities have declined recently since the birth of our first son.
Recent Events: We just had a son!!! We just graduated from college and I began my professional career. Mrs. Broncs is a mother at home.

The Jetsons
Fort Collins, CO
Marriage: Married
Child(ren) age: Toddler, Toddler, Adolescent
Twins: yes
Activities: We are outside as much as possible. Family favorites are trips to the mountains, fishing and swimming. Jane (his wife) is an at home mother and is always looking for parents/kids to join a play group. We participate in parenting and church groups from time to time.
Recent Events: The Jetsons moved to Fort Collins about one year ago as George landed a new job. We're enjoying this space port and hope to stay here for many light-years.

The Golden Years
Greeley, CO
Marriage: Married
Child(ren) age: Adult, Adult
Twins: no
Activities: We are near our retirement and are out of the home, traveling as much as possible. We enjoy the scenic West and visiting our family. Our children have their own young children. Our Family Profile is intended for new Grandparents in dealing with their Grandchildren.
Recent Events: We just had another Granddaughter! Mr. and Mrs. Golden are both working, however retirement approaching.

Ask a Profiled Family a Question
The Broncs
The Jetsons
The Golden Years

All E-mails and questions are audited, abuse of this privledge will result in denial of access to FamilyHeart Family Profiles.

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